Sajecki Planning Inc. provides a diverse range of professional planning and urban design services. Specifically, our team offers expertise in strategic council, development approvals, policy and regulatory documents, planning and urban design studies, and stakeholder management.
Development Approvals
Having worked with both public and private sector clients, we have a deep understanding of the development approvals process, the steps necessary to secure timely approvals, and the collective priorities of municipalities, land owners, other stakeholders and the general public. We provide comprehensive support for municipal approvals under the Planning Act.
Our expertise includes:
Due Diligence
Development Feasibility Studies
Development Application Submissions and Management
Planning Justification Reports
Urban Design Justification Reports
Official Plan Amendments
Zoning By-law Amendments
Minor Variances
Site Plan Control
Plans of Subdivision
Plans of Condominium
Consents for Severance
Evidence Outlines and Document Books
Expert Witness Testimony
Peer Reviews
Policy and Regulatory Studies
We apply our thorough understanding of the municipal and provincial regulatory context to develop policy and regulatory documents, as well as planning and urban design studies, which are easily understood and implemented, and that provide an appropriate balance of vision, certainty, and flexibility. Our expertise includes:
Official Plan Reviews
Zoning By-law Reviews
Secondary Plans and Secondary Plan Reviews
District and Campus Master Plans
Urban Design Justification Reports
Growth Management Strategies
Community Services and Facilities Studies
Urban Resiliency Strategies
Community Improvement Plans
Economic Development Strategies
Land Use Compatibility Studies
Research and Analysis
Visioning Exercises
Strategic Council
Over the past 40 years, we have been involved in the leadership, planning and implementation of some of the most critical city-building plans and projects across Southern Ontario. In addition, we have been involved in numerous international development projects partnering with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the World Bank, Queens University and the University of Toronto. These experiences, including our expert knowledge of the governmental approvals process, enable us to provide valuable advice and efficiently navigate complex multi-stakeholder environments to create the conditions needed for success. Our expertise includes:
Municipal Governance Advisory Services
Government Relations and Advocacy
Issues Management
Strategic Plans
International Development
Public Engagement and Stakeholder Outreach
We believe that our projects should be founded on the experience, knowledge and needs of all stakeholders. Our team prides itself on preparing and delivering consultation and engagement processes for decision-makers to ensure diverse voices are heard and considered.
Our approach is to visit, listen and engage, so that we can learn about priorities and concerns prior to proposing solutions. Working internally and alongside our partners, we strive to make complex challenges manageable. We do this by identifying a clear path forward, using consultation and engagement to determine how best to locally contextualize outcomes. Our expertise includes:
Consultation and Engagement Strategies
Stakeholder Management Plans
Meeting Attendance, Presentation, and Facilitation
Open Houses
Workshops and Charrettes
Visioning Sessions
Guided Site and Study Area Tours
Surveys and Questionnaires
Online Engagement Tools
One-on-One and Group-Based Stakeholder Meetings
Statutory and Non-Statutory Public Meetings
Consultation and Engagement Summary Documents