500 & 600 Slate Drive, Mississauga | Slate Drive Holdings Inc.
Mississauga, Ontario
Slate Drive Holdings Inc.
2020 - Present
Project Management
Development Planning
Public Consultation
Stakeholder Consultation
MGBA Architects
RJ Burnside
Aboud and Associates
In 2020 Sajecki Planning Inc. was retained by Slate Drive Holdings Inc., in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary consultant team, to secure municipal approvals for two (2) industrial warehouses at 560 and 600 Slate Drive in Mississauga, Ontario. The development requires a Site Plan Approval application and Minor Variance application.
Situated north of Kennedy Rd S along Slate Drive and within an existing industrial campus, the development optimizes use of the existing vacant site. It also serves as an opportunity to help achieve Mississauga’s employment targets, while contributing toward the creation of a complete, vibrant and transit-supportive community.
The development incorporates 28,775 square metres of industrial space, 314 vehicle parking spaces, and 53 bicycle parking spaces. The project contemplates the extension of Slate Drive to serve the subject site. The architectural style of the buildings is grand with high-quality glazing and facade treatments.