City of London | Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review
London, Ontario
City of London, Ontario
2021 - Present
Project Management
Geospatial Analysis
Policy Planning
Public Consultation
Stakeholder Consultation
R. E. Millward + Associates
Freedman Urban Solutions
LURA Consulting
Scribe Technical
Posad Maxwan
In 2021 Sajecki Planning Inc. was retained by the City of London, in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary consultant team, to prepare a new comprehensive zoning by-law, known as “ReThink Zoning”.
The new zoning by-law will implement the Official Plan, The London Plan, which establishes a vision for how the City will grow over a 20-year horizon. ReThink Zoning serves as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to update, modernize and streamline the City’s municipal regulations in order to address the critical issues and challenges of our time.
The new zoning by-law will help achieve the objectives and policies of The London Plan while taking a contextual and place-based approach to development that balances flexibility and certainty. A plain language approach and an intuitive by-law layout and design will allow for ease of interpretation.
Work is also underway to explore how a climate resiliency and housing affordability lens can be applied to zoning. With respect to climate resiliency, the new zoning by-law can support the promotion of tree growth, green infrastructure, community gardens, compact development, bicycle parking, retrofitting existing buildings, and small-scale renewable energy. With respect to housing affordability, the new zoning by-law can help to promote gentile intensification, the diversification of housing options, the flexible use of existing buildings, and freeing up more land for residential uses.