City of London | Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review

View of Downtown London (Courtesy of the Corporation of the City of London)




London, Ontario


City of London, Ontario


2021 - Present


Project Management

Geospatial Analysis

Policy Planning

Public Consultation

Stakeholder Consultation


R. E. Millward + Associates

Freedman Urban Solutions

LURA Consulting

Scribe Technical

Posad Maxwan

In 2021 Sajecki Planning Inc. was retained by the City of London, in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary consultant team, to prepare a new comprehensive zoning by-law, known as “ReThink Zoning”.

The new zoning by-law will implement the Official Plan, The London Plan, which establishes a vision for how the City will grow over a 20-year horizon. ReThink Zoning serves as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to update, modernize and streamline the City’s municipal regulations in order to address the critical issues and challenges of our time.

The new zoning by-law will help achieve the objectives and policies of The London Plan while taking a contextual and place-based approach to development that balances flexibility and certainty. A plain language approach and an intuitive by-law layout and design will allow for ease of interpretation.

Work is also underway to explore how a climate resiliency and housing affordability lens can be applied to zoning. With respect to climate resiliency, the new zoning by-law can support the promotion of tree growth, green infrastructure, community gardens, compact development, bicycle parking, retrofitting existing buildings, and small-scale renewable energy. With respect to housing affordability, the new zoning by-law can help to promote gentile intensification, the diversification of housing options, the flexible use of existing buildings, and freeing up more land for residential uses.

Potential Housing Types (Courtesy of Sajecki Planning Inc.)


Sustainability Objectives (Source: PosadMaxwan)




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